Before The Selby, An Afternoon With and Teenage Bedroom—there was The Nooney Brooklyn Photographs–documenting the homes and interiors of your average Brooklyn family. Dinanda H. Nooney spent a year crisscrossing the borough to capture the diverse families living in Brooklyn from January 1978-April 1979. Here’s a selection of teenagers growing up BK. Above: Joseph & Mary Merz, architects. Daughter Julie & cat. 48 Willow Place, Boerum Hill, Brooklyn. January, 1978. Maybe your address is featured in the archives?
Antonio & Louise DiMeo & grandchildren. 330 President St., Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn. July 17, 1978.
Clem & Clair Labine, daughter. 199 Berkeley Pl., Park Slope, Brooklyn. March 4, 1978.

Home of the Frieds, oldest daughter. 501 E. 17th St., Flatbush, Brooklyn. July 31, 1978.

John Cooper family. 226 Carroll St., Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn. July 12, 1978.

Nino Pantano & son. 305A President St., Carrol Gardens, Brooklyn. June 25, 1978.

Robert & Vonceil Turner, son. 254 Hancock St., Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn. October 20, 1978.
via NYPL